You can earn money with SquirrelCache as follows:
Is SquirrelCache free?
- Yes, it's completely free for members.
Members from which countries can participate?
- We do not restrict any countries from joining. Just remember that you should be able to register with bookmarking services - for example, most of them are in English.
How long does it take to get paid?
- We pay immediately after our system checks your new bookmark.
Can I create more than one account with SquirrelCache?
- No, we do not allow members to have several accounts. If your neighbour or friend accesses SquirrelCache from the same PC as you, please contact our support.
Are there any additional ways to earn money? I have several friends who want to join, can I refer them?
- Yes, you can refer new members and also advertisers to SquirrelCache and earn commissions from their earnings/payments: 10% from referred members earnings and 5% from referred advertiser payments. Exact statistics are always available in the member area.
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